If you live in a condo, you know that space is at a premium. I would typically charge my laptop and iPad on the kitchen counter which was definitely not popular with my fiancĂ©… After a lot of nagging I finally came up with a pretty cool solution…
A dedicated, low-profile, charging and storage shelf!

Making the shelf itself was pretty easy. I used the IKEA BESTĂ… system but it should be the same for any cabinet where you can move the shelves up and down. I just put one shelf in the lowest possible position to make an ultra low-profile shelf so I’d have lots of room for the printer above.
To run the wires, you’ll need to remove all the shelves so you can drill holes towards somewhere you can get power.

Once you get below the cabinet, you can duct tape the USB or power adapters to the bottom of the cabinet and then run an extension cord to wherever you can find power.
Tip: If you duct tape a heavy power adapter, use a staple gun to staple the tape to the wood so it won’t slowly peel off over time.
All Done!

One more thing…
When you remove your laptop or iPad, make sure you keep the cords towards the front so they are easy to grab. Your hand is probably too fat to reach in if they get pushed back.